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Protecting your present….Providing for the future.

Accidents can happen to anyone, anywhere, anytime. Protect yourself and your family with  ISG Family Protector personal accident insurance for you and your loved ones.


Our Family Protector personal accident plan provides coverage and extensive benefits as follows:

Key benefits


Accidental death and permanent disablement

A lump sum payment will be made in accordance with the percentage specified in the schedule of benefits.


Medical expenses

This plan covers all your medical expenses up to the amount insured, For sinseh and traditional treatment, this plan covers up to USD $50 per visit and a maximum of USD $ 350 per accident provided western medical treatment is first sought.


Hospital income

If you and/or your spouse are/is confined in a hospital for more than 24 hours for treatment due to an accident, a weekly cash allowance will be paid to you or your spouse in accordance with the selected plan, up to a maximum of 26 weeks.


Funeral expenses

In the event of accidental death, allowance for funeral expenses will be paid up to USD $ 4,000 per person.


Repatriation of mortal remains

Upon accidental death while overseas, we will pay for the actual cost incurred up to USD $5,000 per person for the repatriation of the mortal remains.


Guardian's allowance

If your child (aged 15 days - 15 years old) is hospitalised due to accident, we will pay the parent/guardian an allowance of USD $ 200 per week up to a maximum of 15 weeks.

Purchase of prostheses

Reimburses the insured person for the purchase of wheelchair, crutches or artificial arm or leg as recommended by the physician or doctor for an amount not exceeding USD $ 5,000.


Examination fees reimbursement

if your child is not able to attend his/her academic examination due to injury sustained in an accident, we will reimburse the actual examination fee forfeited up to USD $2,000.


Air ticket reimbursement

If accidental death occurs to either parent while your child is studying overseas, we will reimburse the return airfare up to USD $2,000 per child.


Ambulance service

Ambulance fees will be reimbursed up to USD $ 300 per accident should there be an accident and ambulance service is required.


Personal liability

Should you become legally liable to pay a third party for bodily injury and/or accidental property damage, we will pay for such indemnities up to a limit of USD $200,00 per incident.

Other benefits

But that is not all... the Family Protector also comes with the following special features:

No claim renewal bonus

The principal sum insured will be increased by 5% at each renewal, up to a maximum of 25% of the original principal sum insured, provided that no claim be made under the policy.


Long marriage bonus

The longer you are married, the higher your accidental death benefits, as we will pay up to a maximum of 15% extra on top of your or your spouse's principal sum insured at the time of Accidental Death.

Car loan repayment

In the event of accidental death of policyholder, the subsequent 3 months outstanding hire purchase instalment of one of your private motor vehicles will be paid but up to a maximum of USD $ 5,000.


Compassionate subsidy

Additional amount of USD $10,000 per child will be paid if both parent pass away in the same accident.

Note: Terms and conditions apply.





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10-14/F, One Island East 18 Westlands Road, Island East Hong Kong

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Station Rd, New Romney, TN28 8LG, United Kingdom

United Kingdom 

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Allianz Plaza - 4th Floor, 96  Riverside Drive, Nairobi, Kenya


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